2022 中華民國關節鏡及膝關節醫學會暨台灣肩肘關節醫學會 聯合冬季研討會

會議日期:2022年12月17日(六) 08:30 ~ 17:30
會議地點:臺北榮民總醫院致德樓一樓 第一會議室


Time Topics Speaker Moderator
8:30-8:45 報到
8:45-9:00 嘉賓致詞 骨科醫學會 詹益聖理事長
關節鏡及膝關節醫學會 蘇維仁理事長
肩肘關節醫學會 陳超平理事長
8:45-9:00 Opening remarks 臺北榮總運動醫學科 蔣恩榮 主任
Mini-battle in shoulder instability
Battle 1 : When you are not confident with Bankart repair alone
9:00-9:08 I do Remplissage procedure 鄧修國 (國泰醫院) 盧永昌 (台北馬偕)
9:10-9:18 I do other augmentation 曾渥然 (新竹台大)
9:18-9:30 Discussion
Battle 2 : 65 y/o, recurrent shoulder dislocation with cuff tear and Bankart lesion, no bone loss
9:30-9:38 Cuff repair is enough 江振豪 (嘉基) 蘇維仁 (成大)
9:40-9:48 In addition to cuff repair, Bankart repair is necessary 林坤輝 (台北慈濟)
9:50-9:58 RTSA is the only option 張宗訓 (台大)
9:58-10:10 Discussion
Mini-battle in Rotator cuff tear 
Battle 1 : Routine acromioplasty in cuff repair?
10:10-10:18 I say YES 陳威仁 (新竹中國) 陳超平 (台中榮總)
10:20-10:28 I say NO 沈培弘 (三總)
10:28-10:40 Discussion
10:40-11:10 Coffee Break
Battle 2 : Partial tear with stiffness
11:10-11:18 One-stage surgery to treat both tear and stiffness 侯咸仰 (聯新醫院) 周伯禧 (高醫)
11:20-11:28 I will do two-stage surgery 吳冠廷 (高雄長庚)
11:28-11:40 Discussion
Battle 3: 55 y/o, massive posterosuperior irreparable tear with painful weakness, no pseudoparalysis
11:40-11:48 SCR 林冠宇 (高雄榮總) 徐郭堯 (林口長庚)
11:50-11:58 Tendon transfer 李坤燦 (台中榮總)
12:00-12:08 Balloon 廖唯任 (台中榮總)
12:10-12:18 Partial repair 陳昆暉 (台北榮總)
12:18-12:30 Discussion
12:30-13:30 LUNCH
Rotator cuff arthropathy
Battle: 70 years old, rotator cuff arthropathy with ER lag
13:30-13:38 RTSA along is enough 許晉榮 (中國醫大) 張宗訓 (台大)
13:40-13:48 In addition to RTSA, tendon transfer is necessary 邱致皓 (林口長庚)
13:48-14:00 Discussion
Mini-battle in ACL reconstruction
Battle 1 : Routine acromioplasty in cuff repair?
14:00-14:08 It’s good. When and how to do it 陳威仁 (秀傳醫院) 李宏滿 (花蓮慈濟)
14:10-14:18 I don’t think it’s necessary 官法全 (成大)
14:18-14:30 Discussion
Battle 2 : Revision for failed double bundle ACL reconstruction
14:30-14:38 I can do it in one-stage 林育全 (高醫) 羅健生 (中山附醫)
14:40-14:48 Two-stage surgery is safer 張世昇 (林口長庚)
14:48-15:00 Discussion
Battle 3 : Graft selection in revision ACLR
15:00-15:08 Autograft is better 詹舜文 (高雄長庚) 周文毅 (高雄長庚)
15:10-15:18 Allograft is enough 陳暐錚 (台北馬偕)
15:18-15:30 Discussion
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
Current strategy for cartilage repair
25 years old male, 3 cm2 full thickness chondral defect at femoral trochlea. My preference.
16:00-16:08 Bioadhesive hydrogel implant (JointRep) 李建和 (北醫) 李建和 (北醫)
16:10-16:18 Tissue Engineering Using BMMSC for Cartilage Defect Treatment 張至宏 (亞東醫院)
16:20-16:28 Biphasic Cartilage Repair Implant (BiCRI) (Revocart) 陳超平 (台中榮總)
16:30-16:38 Autologous chondrocyte cell sheet for cartilage reconstruction 薛宇桓 (義大醫院)
16:38-16:50 Discussion
A 25 y/o female with hip labral tear, lateral center edge angle: 21 degrees
16:50-16:55 Arthroscopic management is enough! 唐浩哲 (基隆長庚) 潘如瑜 (三總)
16:57-17:02 Bony procedure is needed ! 鄭國中 (國軍桃園)
17:02-17:10 Discussion
Distal biceps repair
17:10-17:15 I will do one-incision repair 葉炳君 (輔大) 陳昭宇 (林口長庚)
17:17-17:23 I will do two-incision repair 葉詩翰 (部立桃園)
17:23-17:30 Discussion
17:30 Closing remark